Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Clash was the nino de honore in Karen's (Bertha's daughter) quinceanara on Saturday. There are way too many pics to post on the blog, so if you (mom) want more click here.

When Clash saw Karen in her dress he said, "You look like a mountain."

Just the thing every 15-year old girl wants to hear.

Chances Are

if there are any beautiful photos on this blog gabby has taken them.

if there is vodka coming out of my nose gabby has just said something.

if there are empty diet coke cans sprinkled around my house gabby is in town.

if my my house is filled with people trying to explain the meaning of irony gabs is here.

the only thing wrong with gabby is that she HATES to have her photo taken so this picture of her holding my new niece is a rare gem!

love you lady!

So Cute I want to Puke. Congrats again Aaron and Erinn!

p.s. Thanks Gabs for the pics!!

Happy 5th Birthday Abbi!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Project Day

Painted some chairs for the kiddos that our neighbor was tossing.


After {with Clash's narration}

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dearest Sadie James,

Welcome to this world and into our hearts!

You are getting two of the most loving parents on this planet, who will have your back covered from this day on.

You are getting two of the most adorable big brothers, who will never let anyone pull your hair (except maybe them once or twice).

They will teach you how to ride the 4-wheelers at Gamma and Bop Bop's house and where Gamma Cindy hides the popsicles and treats from Bop Bop.

When you come out west you have an aunty and uncle who already love you with all of their hearts and two cousins who cannot wait to show you their toys.

Clash will teach you everything there is to know about dinosaurs and meteorites and Mighty will teach you the joys of eating ice cream with your hands.

Sending all of our love from the West Coast! We cannot wait to meet you!
