Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Clash's First Birthday!

It was my birthday!
There was cake! No One wanted to Take Credit
for it

It still tasted good!
If Ella and I made an album this would be our cover

My Meemie came from Florida! We danced! Jeff and Ella blew bubbles

Ella and Her Mama
My new ride courtesy of Bertha and her wonderful family!! It's Bertha's birthday on the 8th!

Orren, Jeb and Tracy Were There!
The Dain's came with new baby Emerson!

I realized I am one mustache away from turning into my father
Chicks dig musiciansDascha is almost as good as I am on Bongos

Bertha and Clash the new CHIPS! Freeze suckas!!

Jason- he never calls me anymore.

Happy early birthday Finn!
Meemie met Bertha for the first time
Yay Lynn, Amy and Jeff came. Karl sends a shout out to Baxter.
My Ladies

By the end of the night I had partied my pants off!

The end!

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