Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Clash is 4

I have so many favorite moments being a mom, but one of the best ones is hearing my babies giggling in their sleep, which Clash is doing right now.

I know he is dreaming about something super sophisticated like when he announced he was "The Toot Man" the night before and thought it was the funniest thing ever said.

Another moment occurred when Mighty woke up at some ungodly hour, it was still mostly dark out. I was walking her around like a zombie, hoping she would fall back to sleep. We walked by a window, Mighty picked her head up off my shoulder and looked outside. The sun was coming up and the sky was pink and she just started smiling and clapping.

Here I was thinking this was a horrible idea being up so early, but now I know it would have been horrible to have missed it.

So Clash is now four and has declared that he no longer needs a bottle to go to sleep and can finally reach the top of the fridge when he stands on a chair. The first thing he said after we reminded him it was his birthday was, "Oh I have to tell Abbi" (she is one of his best friends who turned four a while ago).

His birthday party was a success and by "success" I mean only one 2-year old accidentally drank vodka, we had to move locations from the beach to the house because of insane winds and only one dad had to bring me a book of matches the kids were playing with outside. Needless to say I am sure next year's party will have fewer guests. Oh yeah and only one dog had to be rushed to the emergency vet (he is fine).

Meemie is in town, she has made it to all of his birthdays and yesterday she got to visit Clash's school where they had a special birthday party for him. The kids and teachers made him a cake and crown and we donated a book with his name in it to the school library and Clash got to sit next to his dad as he read it to everyone.

This is the book he picked out-

When I introduced Meemie to one of the little girls in his class she said, "I have a caterpillar named Meemie."

Clash was so proud to show off his little sister at school and he fed her some birthday cake. It amazes me how much he shares... especially cake. He is a better person than I am.

After three days of celebrating his birthday he finally showed signs of being tired. Last night at dinner he started inching closer and closer to Meemie who was sitting on the bench with him. About 10 minutes in he was in her lap and 5-minutes later passed out asleep and snoring.

I want to bottle up all of these moments because they are flying by.

Waiting for the Cake

Blue Mama T-Rex Cake!

Opening Presents
Dino Dig

It's Not Cold
("When I'm bigger I will push the wind down."- Ellery Jane 4/2/11)


Alberts Family said...
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Alberts Family said...

I am so laughing right now that grammar goes out the window.