Top Ten Reasons My Dad Rules:
10. He taught me to sandbag when I was in third grade and I won the book reading contest. Suck it Chris.
9. He understands the "TRUE" value of a 1968 Camaro.
8. Because without him we would never know the joys of Robo-Dog, Polly the Talking Parrot, Robotic R2D2 and Creepy animatronic Lemur.
7. He not only restored my and my brothers bikes from when we were kids but he also tracked down Glenn's old bike, bought it back from the father of the kid Glenn sold it to and restored that one as well.
6. Tractor rides with the kids.
5. Ceasar salad!
4. Every Christmas eve he reads the Night Before Christmas and to this day our friends, who are now in their 30's and with their own kids, still show up for it.
3. He's man enough to carry a 4 lb dog around town even when my mom dresses him up.
2. He got all up in my coach's face and let him have it even though I truly SUCKED at softball and would get so excited on the rare occasion I actually hit the ball, would throw the bat nearly decapitating my teammates.
1. No one has your back like he does.
We love you dad!
Glenn, Amy, Clash and Mighty
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