Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Love Letter to My Friends and Family

What a crazy year and a half it has been. I never stopped to say thanks to any of you who told me to pull my boot straps up and get on with it... I did... finally.

Here is to my mom who flew out here the second she heard my heart broken over the phone and somehow always knows when I need her to call me. Thank you for always having an ear and a grey goose shot ready every time we came home from a doctor's appointment.

Here is to my crazy ass little brother who just showed up on my doorstep one night at 10pm out of the blue after a last minute flight from Chicago because he just had to check in on me.

Here is to my always-there-for-me big brother who always knows the right thing to say whether it was his words when I was 7 years old and scared a monster was going to get me in my bed and he said,

"Imagine if that really happened after you thought it was going to. Wouldn't that be too much of a coincidence to really happen?"

Pretty sage thinking for a 9 year old, but he was right and I wasn't scared anymore. So when he told me this too was going to be alright I believed him.

And here is to my dad who called every famous lawyer he knew or had heard of so someone would have to be accountable. I am pretty sure if I had pointed him in the right direction someone would have had a punch in the nose.

Here is to my best friends in the world who tried to give me the best advice they could but then were able to laugh at their horrible advice later with me.

Here is to my son Clash who loves his family so damn much that you can't not see what he sees and just feel lucky to be a part of it.

Here is to my friends who showed up at my house all the freaking time when I just wanted to lay in bed and cry. They freaking made me make them drinks, food (read drink-garnishes), laugh and get out of my head.

Here is to my best friend who flew out here for a weekend in Palm Springs when I really needed some girl time.

Here is to my family who called me all the time and didn't care that I never picked up the phone or called them back.

Here is to my friends who never got embarrassed when I cried in public (Jenny, I'm thinking of you at the Pump Station holy crap is that funny now).

Here is to my amazing in-laws who love my babies so much I never think of anything else when I am with them except what I need to do so my babies can spend more time with them.

Here is to everyone who thought of us but didn't know what to say, we knew you were thinking about us.

Here is to my honey who was always fine with everything, especially the fact that I just wasn't.

And most importantly, here is to my Mighty who has taken me on the greatest journey of my life and I couldn't love her more. When you look at her eyes when she smiles you know that she just gets it and at once you do too.

Thank you all.


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